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Governance Information

Our Responsibilities

Your Space is a registered charity. As such, we must abide by certain rules and regulations and our appointed board of Trustees is responsible for the oversight and governance of Your Space’s organisation and administration.


Additionally, the nature of our work means that we regularly come into contact with vulnerable children and young people. Safeguarding the health and wellbeing (physical, mental and emotional) of the children and young people who use our services takes primacy over all other matters. At Your Space, we take child protection extremely seriously and work closely with local authorities to ensure the continued safety and wellbeing of children.

Our Purpose: 

Your Space seeks to provide a safe and fun place for children, young people and young adults with an Autistic Spectrum Condition – or related conditions – to enjoy activities and feel supported. Its aims include giving them opportunities to:

Our aims include giving such children and young people the opportunities to:

  • Enjoy and have fun

  • Feel secure

  • Gain and promote friendships

  • Develop independence

  • Stay safe and be happy


We work alongside ‘The 7 Core Aims (Wales),’ which provides the framework on which local and national policies relate to the rights of a child. In so doing, Your Space provides a person-centred approach, throughout our organisation, by involving a child in decision-making in order to promote independence and choice.

This provides children and young people with the rights to choose, make connections and communicate, ensuring that their needs are also taken into account when making decisions to help foster a sense of belonging.

Where this is not possible, and in view of their own safety, decisions should be made about what is the best possible outcome and how much involvement an individual should have – taking into account factors such as communication, sensory processing, learning difficulty, understanding and social interaction.

The ‘7 Core Aims (Wales) for Children’ are based on the United Nations Convention of The Rights of the Child. This convention outlines which strategies and decisions are made and put in place so that each and every child can:

  • have a flying start

  • have a full range of learning and education services

  • enjoy the best possible health and be free from abuse, victimisation and discrimination

  • have access to play, cultural and sporting facilities

  • are listened to and treated with respect and have their race and cultural identity recognised

  • have a safe home and community and support physical and emotional wellbeing

  • are not disadvantaged by poverty

Your Space Policies and Procedures 

We meet all of our legal and regulatory requirements through the robust and thorough implementation of our policies, which are reviewed annually (or when legislation dictates).

Your Space has specific policies in place, as follows, which are available to view upon request:

  • Equal Opportunities and Diversity

  • Confidentiality

  • Health and Safety

  • First Aid

  • Data Protection

  • Child Protection and the Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults

  • Missing child/young person procedures

  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR)

  • Fire and Emergency Evacuation procedures

  • Environmental Concerns

  • Welsh Language

  • Supervision and Appraisal

  • Disciplinary Policy (including staff and volunteer Code of Conduct)

  • Volunteers

  • Criminal Records Checking (Disclosure and Barring Service – DBS)

Additional Child Protection Polices and Procedures: 

  • As we work with children and vulnerable adults, all staff and volunteers undergo an enhanced criminal records disclosure check.

  • We have a designated child protection officer who manages Your Space’s child protection and safeguarding policies, in line with legislation, and updates staff accordingly.

  • We have thorough and rigorous risk assessment training due to the nature of our work and the service users we work with in order to protect, yet engage them in meaningful activities

  • Each staff member is designated as a ‘key worker’ to a number of participants and is responsible for ensuring their paperwork is up to date and disseminating information to the staff team as necessary.

  • We have a code of conduct, including confidentiality clauses, to protect all staff and service users and ensure professionalism in the workplace.


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